Series: Fullmetal Alchemist
Rating: T
Genre: Angst/Tragedy
Character(s): Edward and Winry
He didn't want to tell her, but he thought better of it. Was that a mistake? What happens to Ed when Winry finds he let Al die? One shot.
Title: Brother Dont Go
Series: Naruto
Rating: K
Genre: Angst/General
Characters: Sasuke and Itachi (Not yaoi)
Sasuke's in a coma and is reliving some of his past. Will Itachi's love be able to wake him up? Oneshot.
Title: Forgotten Dreams
Series: Avatar: The Last Airbender
Rating: T
Genre: Supernatural/Adventure
Characters: Azula and Zuko
When Azula is forced to marry a guy who ruins her life she loses her faith, her dreams. But, when she finally runs off with Zuko can they make it out alive? T for violence and character death.