Name: Will Pitt
Age: 17
Series: Fullmetal Alchemist
Gender: Male
Height: 4'5" (He's a midget)
Birthday: June 6th
Sexual Orientation: Straight (Homophobic)
Family: Thomas Pitt (Father)
Occupation: Doctors Apprentice/Assistant
Lives: Central for 6 months and a hidden village in the Desert Area for 6 months
Nationality: Mixed Nationality
Health/Disorders/Disabilities: Valvular Heart Disease (Mitral Stenosis) and has extremely poor eye sight and has been wearing glasses sense he could walk. (20/220 - without glasses 20/40 - with glasses)
Friends: Edward Elric, Delilah Porche (OC), and Zoe Daunch (OC)
Mean, Cold, Cruel, Sadistic, Cunning, Witty, Devious, Sneaky, Crude and Vulgar, but very loyal to his friends. He's strong willed and short-tempered and never seems to show weakness. His friends nor father have never seen/heard him cry; never once. He locks everything inside...which forms someone he might not want to become. He can be very twisted and almost psychopathic at the point some of his friends think he may be a danger. Though his hard work and determination to help people at work proves he has a secret soft side.
Up until he was 9 Will grew up with Edward, Alphonse, and Winry in the small town of Risembool. When he was 8 his mother left with the Rockbells for the Ishbalan war, leaving him with only his father. A year later he became very ill with Scarlet Fever. Miraculously he survived...but 20 days later due to the Scarlet Fever he developed Rheumatic Fever. His father being a doctor did everything he knew to keep Will alive but on top of his only son being fatally ill, he got news of his wife's death. She had not been killed with the Rockbells, she had died a day prior to that from an infection caused by a wound. After hearing this, his father decided staying in Risembool was no longer an option. Even though Will was still very ill, Thomas packed up everything and moved to Central...where Will could also get proper treatment. Not to long after Will's recovery he started to show signs of Valvular heart disease (Mitral Stenosis) just another complication. No action was taken for a year till his condition worsened to the point he needed actual surgery. The first surgery had sever complications and did not go well...a result of a medical mistake Will's growth was stunted. Forever keeping him at 4'5" Once stable they re-attempted the surgery, this time his father performing it instead. This time it proved successful and held Will at NYHA II (slight limitations during ordinary activity) with Mitral Stenosis severity: moderate (<7). Will spent 8 months in the hospital after the surgery for recovery and observation. This long period of time in the hospital made Will distant, apathetic, and cold. Another 4 months was spent in home isolation which worsened these downfalls making him nasty, arrogant, cruel, bitter, and disrespectful. Being viewed as fragile, small, and helpless due to his heart condition, his father never scolded Will for his behavior, thus letting Will have his way. After 4 months in home recovery his father stated that they were going home. This confused Will considering their home was now Central. His father explained how before Will was born him and his mother had lived in a very small town out in the Desert Area. This small town housed people of many different nationality, including Ishbalans. He explained to Will how he was of mixed race and didn't truelly belong in Ametris. Will now 10 years of age moved the small town of Henka (meaning Change) There he worked in a small doctors clinic along side his father and by the age of 13 was working with patients of his own. (Due to the lack of medical help and under-developement of Henka any kind of medical help was taken greatly even from a 13 year old boy with minimual training) Thomas decided to spend only half a year in Henka, not wanting to burn Will out to quickly considering the state of which the people and area was in could prove depressing. When Will was 14 a strange girl came into the clinic, not seeking medical attention as much as a job. At first he denied saying there was nothing she could do but the girl who identified herself as Delilah was persistant. Aventually he gave in and let her work the front desk and payed her very minimually but she was very gracious considering work was scarce in Henka. The first few months of her employment Will was very cold towards her and often called her dumb when she would mess up and annoying when she would ask about him. After about 6 months though he began to lighten up, and began to take some-what of an interest in her. They became very close and talked more and more often until she felt like family thus also traveling back to Central with them every 6 months. Will now of age 17 is still doing the same routine with Delilah...but of course same routine doesn't mean the same outcome, happenings, or adventure. Things are constantly changing and the tables always turn making life one heck of a journey for both Will and Delilah...